Getting The Representation You Deserve

When I started getting serious about my business and building my brand, I realized that I wasn't prepared to handle any legal problems that we might come across. I didn't know how to defend myself against allegations of wrongdoing in the business realm, but my company was getting large enough that it started to attract some unwanted attention from competitors. To set things straight, I decided to hire a business attorney to help us out. Our lawyer was amazing, and he went through and coached us so that we would know how to handle problems. I was really impressed with his services. This blog is all about why you should have a business attorney.

5 Ways Termination Of Employment May Be Wrongful


Leaving a job with the feeling that you were wrongfully terminated can be an especially difficult pill to swallow. If you're preparing to meet with a wrongful termination attorney, it can be helpful to understand some of the common legal reasons that firing an employee might not be allowed. Take a look at 5 of the most likely reasons a termination might be unfair.


It is illegal in the U.S. to fire a person on the basis of their race, nationality, religion, gender, or age. These types of cases tend to hinge on either proof of a pattern of firings involving others or clear evidence. Document every detail of your firing, and be prepared to ask others if they'd be willing to provide a deposition.

Unwilling to Commit a Crime

Anyone dismissed for not committing a crime on behalf of an employer or boss has grounds to pursue a wrongful termination case. These kinds of cases are especially documentation-heavy. Likewise, one of the most common defenses presented by former employers is that no potential criminal conduct took place and that the employee simply didn't do their job.


Blowing the whistle on companies that are engaged in illegal or unethical behavior is protected under American law. It's common for employees in these situations to seek out wrongful termination attorney services before anything goes down to guard against the possibility of being fired. Make sure that you document your whistleblowing activity prior to being fired, though, because it can be challenging to prove a whistleblower case after the fact.

Company Policy Was Violated

Plenty of employees have felt like company policies are nothing but words. In the eyes of the law, however, company policies are promises made to employees. If your firing occurred outside the norms established by your former employer's policies, you may have been wrongfully terminated. For example, some businesses have a process where an employee might receive a warning and then a coaching prior to finally being terminated for a third offense.

Promises in Writing

Another form of promise a company can make to an employee is one made in writing. Unsurprisingly, the most compelling version of this argument is when there's an employment contract in place. Other forms of written promises count, too, such as letters promising employment past a certain period. Make copies of all communications you've received, including emails and texts, and provide those to your wrongful termination attorney.


16 October 2019